Saturday, January 6, 2007

Jesus My Pop Up

I am so thankful that Jesus has always been a pop up in my life,even when I don't even know it. Do you know what I mean? I choose this program or that program and the Lord pops-up and gives me the choice to take a redirect. I can cancel His council and continue to do my thing my way or I can push the OK button and find out where He would have me go. The interesting thing is that I wonder how often I may have pushed cancel on His protection and guidance and the program I am insisting on continuing may lead my life and thous I love and influence to crash.

Thank you Lord for continuing to be my - our forever pop up!


Me said...

What a neat way of looking at it. You are very insightful.

Donna said...

My first picture that I had published for this blog said stop the pop ups so I changed it because that is exactly what I am working on NOT doing (blocking His help and guidance in my life) The picture didn't represent the right idea so I changed it.