Monday, April 16, 2007

Happy Anniversary-Birthday

Today is Rick and my 15th wedding anniversary and our daughters 12th birthday. Wow, so much has happened in those years and yet they have gone by so quickly. Elisha was born on our 3rd wedding anniversary and it was Easter Sunday morning. There we were in our tiny one bedroom basement apartment me in labour and little Jordan hunting for Easter eggs. I was thankful for the distraction for Jordan because as you women know labour is a bit of work and takes quite a lot of concentration and the mid wives just made it on time-phew. That was a very special day for sure.
Thank you God for our lives together. You are sanctifying us more and more each day, each year. Thank you for the gift of time and I pray me and my family use our time as You would have us live it.
Happy Anniversary Rick. I Love You! Happy Birthday Elisha. I Love You!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY anniversary!!!

You are a great example of love to one another!


Donna said...

Thanks Laura. I really do love my husband. It is just taking me a lot of time to learn what love really is. But thanks to Jesus I have this amazing picture of true love and it is speeding up my processing quite a bit (even though I would like to learn even faster) Anyways I am thankful to be seeing His picture and learning how to share that to those I love. God is good. Have a great day and see you at Church.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Donna, my wife, friend, partner and confidente...I can tell you what "love" is:

It's YOU and ME !

Simple...yet exquisite.

Happy Anniversary.

My Heart belongs to God and you.

Be Blessed,

The Hublious Wublious

Donna said...

Oh you sweetilius weetilius. You are finally getting the hang of the "ious" language. I Love You!