Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Time For What?

2 Timothy 1:9who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.
In Jesus' name I claim protection and guidance on the time You have given me. I surrender "my ways" of using time to You. Lord, I do not know how to fit " it all" in but I am putting my trust in You to show me. I Believe in your Wisdom and Knowlege and I KNOW that You will allow me to serve You, my husband, my children, my extended family, the Body, my friends, and the "world" in Your Purpose for the Life Everlasting that You have blessed me with. Thank You Father.
P.S. If anyone else out there is struggling with how to use the time God has given them Lord please let this prayer touch their hearts and minds and bring them under Your wing of protection too. Thank You Jesus.
So I know that the Lord will reveal to me what and how to use my time (Thank you Jesus) but I know what I don't have time for ! I don't have time to "not" read my Bible, I don't have time "not" to cry out to our Lord and Saviour in Prayer and Thanksgiving, I don't have time to be short or yell at my kids!, I don't have time to "not be there" for my family and any other commitments that the Lord has placed in my life, I don't have time to get caught up in emotions and lies that prevent me from really living for Him, I don't have time to say "I don't have time" for the people in my life, I don't have time to waste doing things that don't have any meaning and purpose in God's Ways, I don't have time to be fearful, I don't have time to dwell on missed opportunities and bad choices in my past, I don't have time to let thoughts of judgements on myself and others pollute my mind, I don't have time to fight the people in my life to do things my way (supposedly the "right" way), and I don't even have time to worry and get anxious over how I will use time.
It is His time and I am ready and willing to be a good stuard and with His guidance I am even "good enough" to live a blessed life in Him.
What "time" is it for you? If I can live in God's time than so can you, Amen?


Me said...

What you are saying is so true. The the time it takes to process the guilt for not spending enough time on these tasks, takes up more time than just doing the tasks in the first place. Busy wives and moms don't have time for guilt:), especially when we are doing the best we can with what we have.
Love Sarah

Donna said...

Thanks for that encouraging word to all of us busy moms Sarah. I especially appreciate it right now as I am praying for guidance from the Holy Spirit to help me do His will and be a good stuward of all He has entrusted me with. (no pressure eh?;-) actually He has given me quite a sense of peace compared to when I was trying to do life on my own but I so much want the old undone clutter to be gone to make room for all Jesus has for me and my family and the work He has for us to do.