I love the way that God blesses us in every area of our lives and in the smallest as well as the largest of details. He has been doing this in my life even before I knew Him. I remember years ago when my favorite colour was green, I walked into value village (where I do most of my shopping-along with salvation army) and there on the shelf was a brand new pair of green suede birkenstocks for something like $10. I knew it was God and that was before I was able to feel Jesus. There are countless of these blessings I could share, the list is endless and many of the blessings that He provides I am not even conscious of.
About a month ago my family and I were shopping at value village and there were a pair of pink suede birkenstock style sandals for $5. Guess what my favorite color is these days? God you are sooo great, thank you. However even though the Lord provided me with exactly what I needed and liked I put them back! Can you believe that! I passed up God's perfect blessing for me that day. Now every time I go to playgroup and I don't have those perfect sandals for my feet I think of how amazing God is. I am more open and alert to not put His blessings back on the shelf. Thank you Lord for showing me this, You are pretty cool, to say the least.
I am also very thankful that I have not missed Jesus' biggest blessing - the seal of His blood on my life that cleanses my sins so I can be one with God. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
Do you have some blessing stories to share with me? I would love to hear them.
My littlest is awake so I must go for now.
It is funny how so often the "biggest" blessings are the smallest in action. The other day after a beautiful snow fall it occurred to me that I needed to shovel the walk to be a good neighbour and keeper of my home. A few minutes later I heard a strange noise outside and looked out to see that the walk had already been shovelled!!!
It wouldn't have taken more than about 10 minutes for me to do, but the blessing that small act provided was overwhelming!! I love it when God goes out of His way to take care of me!
Yes, Laura isn't He cool. So, did God work through a person, angel or a divine act to bless you this time?
Peace and blessings I pray to you in Jesus' Holy name:
I love the blog! God is continually blessing us each and every day. I find myself wanting to thank Him more and more for the simple things as well...including our health and the health of my family. He is SO GOOD! I think you should go back to Value Village and see if those sandals are still there : )
He's got more blessings coming your way!!
Dearest Carrie:
I did go back but they were gone for now.
But you are so right, He's got other blessings "in store", in His timing. And you know what makes it so exciting? I know it is not about my "feet" so when the blessings come it will be about bringing people to Him through my feet or whatever! That is the "so cool" way of God and I LOVE it that I am learning that now and I am sooooo THANKFUL, just like you, for everything.
Peace and blessings I pray to you and yours in Jesus' Holy name:
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