I have a tremendous need to claim and walk God's Living Word in every aspect of the life Jesus has allowed me to steward. My heart experiences great distress when I fail to live as the Holy Spirit guides me to live.
Oh dearest Jesus I NEED Your guidance! I cannot live this life, along with all the roles you have blessed me to be part of, without your help. When I try to live on my strength I stumble. Even my best intentions for You, my family or anyone You put in my path, done "my way" falter.
I have experienced the Peace and Joy that comes when I am surrendered to You. I want to live that always and all ways. I want to model that for my husband and children, so they can touch and feel and taste what "living in Love with You" really is, through me. I ask you Lord to make me mute when I am about to spout off anything that is not of You (especially to the children) Please Lord I Love You and I want to do Your will but I am simply human. I thank You for Your Grace and Mercy. I pray that I use Your gift of Life for Your plans. Please show me Lord how to really LOVE.
I see you as someone who has a very pure and sweet heart towards God. This was a beautiful post.
Dearest Tracy:
You are so kind, thank you.
I am watching and waiting for the Holy Spirit to give you some inspirations on your blog.
Peace and blessings I pray to you and yours in Jesus' Holy name:
It's so strange; every day I sit down in front of my blog at the computer...and my mind goes blank. I just don't know. The things that I am going through right now feel too personal to share on my blog. Do you ever feel like that?
Anyway...Talk to you later :)
Yes Tracy I do think that. In fact ever since I started my own blog that has been happening. Then I start trying to figure it out-is it because I am out of routine due to holidays, is it because I am afraid that what I share will not do justice to what Lord wants me to share, is it because I am afraid of getting hurt by sharing, maybe I am under spiritual attack, maybe I am not good enough to share and on and on I go.
But I just realized something (thank you Holy Spirit) My thoughts are not in alingement with Scripture. I am busy trying to work this out instead of enjoying His peace and joy KNOWING that, "28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who[b] have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
So I am going to try that.
I claim in the name of Jesus Christ that (now how does Pastor Barry put it-this is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have and I can do what it says I can do!) I am e-fellowshipping to build healthy Christ-like relationships and support networks for the Body. I am praying that sharing in this mode will touch seekers. Let them (and maybe myself) see how normal or not (we are a peculiar people after all) we are and I pray that seeds will be planted to bring them to salvation through Jesus (the Way, the Truth and the Life). So lets trust that God is using "it all" to bring His children home, the quiet times (He knows that maybe there is someone out there that can relate to that and that connection will touch them) and the inspirired times of blogging, right?
Anyways, I understand what you are saying.
Peace and blessings I pray to you and yours in Jesus' Holy name:
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