Jordan won 67 tickets for today's game from CHRI (99.1fm Christian radio) this week. So that means that Rick, Jordan, Elisha and Ezra all set out for the game at 11am this morning. As much as I do not like being away from them, especially on family day, I think I am on a mini vacation here. Holy Spirit is just blowing my socks off with His quiet whisper. I have got the floor cleared and swept, the kitchen counters, table, and desks almost all cleared, laundry closer to being done than undone, had lunch with Jacob, played a game and read some stories with Jacob, put him for his nap, put on some mint green tea and I am blogging about how our Lord is moving in my Life at this moment before I have to try and remember how Jesus was speaking to me to try and share it with you all. And mostly this time is so very peaceful, quiet and beautiful.
Holy Spirit is showing me all He has blessed me with this week (that is besides that "small" gift of Life, family and purpose in Him) ;~) I have been praying for guidance in how to fit it all in. Today He is simply bringing me to tears of joy as my heart is overflowing with His provision and His Almighty Sovereignty. He is showing me that this week I managed to throw a homemade, curried kale sweet potato squash soup into the crock pot (I have not been cooking homemade due to business-and I had the privilege of sharing some with my neighbour who had given me the lovely gift of homemade chili for my birthday) and we did get a family meal- all of us together on Thursday night (I love sit down at the table family meals) I made it to all of the interesting and teaching outings that I am investing myself in as well as lifegroup (Love you Katie and Gary), got the children's school work looked after, did groceries, even had one on one visit with my precious husband and did a few blog posts. For those people out there who are organized these activities of Life may seem very simple to you but for me it is all a work in progress.
Holy Spirit is pointing out to me that even though these things are not getting done in a perfect routine, like clockwork (which I believe we could benefit if I continue to work towards more organized structure and routine) over the whole week things are getting covered. I did not see that before. All I see in my flesh is all the stuff that is not getting done or not getting done "perfectly."
Is it perfect? NOT. But in this moment He is showing me I am FREE and HE is guiding and growing me for His works. I pray I may hold on to this thought when I get caught up in the human way of handling things again.
Oh precious Lord Christ Jesus no words can describe how I feel when You reveal Yourself in these little, humongous miracles of everyday Life that are Your still small voice.
Well, got to go take advantage of this gift and get some more things done. And start getting things organized for for Church tomorrow-Gospel Sunday woo hoo! Oh and little Jacob just woke up so we get do more stuff together too.
Christ Love to you all.
The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your Love, O Lord, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands. Psalm 138:8
Sounds absolutely wonderful!
Thanks Lori. I see how quiet time helps us to stay grounded. I like the way you schedule it in. I want to work at scheduling in the important things so they are more likely to happen than just trying to fit it in somehow. I value how our sharing and walking in community is allowing for growth and support. Thank you so much.
Hi Donna, I've missed your blogs. I love your transparency, honesty and realness. You have a very sweet heart.
Dearest Tracy:
Well I and others have missed your blogs too. There was definately a missing piece of the puzzle while you were on break. Welcome back and I pray the time you took allowed for grounding and balancing. Thank you for your lovely words of encouragement.
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